Quick Overview - Tax Disputes

Disputes over tax liability are one of the most frequent types of dispute. There are many causes of tax disputes, such as being charged too much or being refused a tax refund. 

A tax dispute can daunting, but being aware of the options there are for resolution can be extremely helpful. Obtaining legal advice is important for two reasons, first, you need to be sure of your position and secondly you need to understand all the options open to you and the consequences of your choice.

In this space, we outline different types of tax disputes, how you can appeal against a tax decision and how a tax dispute can be dealt with, as well as providing answers to frequently asked questions to help you fully understand this issue.

Contractual Disclosure Facility & COP9

If HMRC suspects fraud they will give you 60 days to make an initial disclosure - expert advice should be quickly taken.

Code of Practice 8

COP8 is used in where there has been significant loss of tax revenue but fraud is not suspected.

Worldwide Disclosure Facility (WDD)

A facility to make a voluntary disclosure relating to ‘offshore interests’.

HMRC adhoc enquiries

Potentially wide-ranging, including formal demands for data, penalties, assessments, and visits to business premises.

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