Traditional ‘bricks and mortar’ retailers are facing unprecedented challenges, not least of which are the combined pressures of high business rates and stiff price competition from online-only competitors.

Traditional ‘bricks and mortar’ retailers are facing unprecedented challenges

Today’s retailers must be responsive and flexible; able to move quickly to adapt to changing market conditions and capitalise on consumer trends.

We are able to advise retailers of all sizes and business models, helping business owners and directors to meet today’s financial challenges and ensure they remain competitive and relevant in a changing marketplace.

We work closely with business owners and their key management teams, taking time to understand the business, so that a bespoke service can be provided that concentrates on the issues that affect the company and the owner as the company goes through its different stages of growth.

Working with growing companies across their business lifecycle is what we do best. We understand your evolving needs and has the breadth of expertise to advise across a range of services, from growth stage, through maturity and on to an exit event and beyond. We work with many clients, across the different stages of their business lifecycle, including early-stage scale-ups. Understanding each of these markets gives us experience and knowledge which we find is invaluable to our clients.

We help you avoid any pitfalls, exploit opportunities and improve your commercial success. We can bring forward our experience of working with similar businesses and apply this knowledge to offer a tailored, pragmatic approach; we are accustomed to dealing with the challenges that business within the sector face.

Find out how we can support you further depending on where you are in your business life cycle


✓ You won’t have many processes and you should be tweaking your business model to get a sense of the market.

✓ Although it's an exciting time, it's where most businesses fail.

✓ The cash demands often mean you can only underpay yourself. Use this time to figure out a business model that allows for sustainable cash flow and consistent growth.


✓ The growth phase will require investment.You will have to give back profitability to fund growth or seek outside investment capital either through investors or debt.

✓ Turn your focus inward as you build teams and hire higher-level people to run operations.

✓ With investors, you give up equity and gain advisors. With debt, you retain all your equity but will likely have to sign personal guarantees with banks to secure funding.


✓ You are probably able to take regular dividends out of the company.

✓ Many mature businesses have a strong cash position and grow through acquisition or spin-offs of other product lines.

✓ Enjoy this period but be on the lookout for signs that you need to start making a change.

✓ You’ll be able to decide to cash out or reinvest in the business to further growth and sustainability.


✓ If revenue has declined for several consecutive quarters, you probably entered the declining phase. Take action and start looking for ways to innovate.

✓ Most businesses don’t begin investing in the renewal phase until they are already in a state of decline.

✓ You might need to modify your current offering to meet the needs of new customers or innovate a completely new business.

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